Choose your style for qualitative research

A qualitative research is done under many circumstances. While some researchers prefer doing a qualitative study because it does not involve much statistical analysis, some others are genuinely interested in doing a qualitative research because of the techniques of observation and subjective study.

Whatever be the reason, a qualitative research is as complex as a quantitative work; in fact, more so because it has to be done with some personal inputs and experiential knowledge of the researcher and can be influenced by the personal biases. The researcher has to be very cautious about the results and see that they are not impacted by the personal preferences and attitudes. A qualitative study will be more appropriate when there is less information available about a topic, or when the study is about an ethnic group. Ethnographic studies are, in fact a special type of qualitative research, which investigate cultural and social groups, their behaviour, beliefs, values and attitudes. The language and the literary background of a group, as well as the interaction of the members of the group, are investigated under this sort of study. Dissertation Help India can assist scholars conduct a proper ethnographic study and there are special services in place for such research. The guides help the students by identifying the suitable group for interaction, preparing the interview format and helping with creation of notes, as well as their interpretation, after the observation.

Phenomenological studies are another category of qualitative study. These studies are so called because they study a specific phenomenon or issue. The experiences of people of people who participate in the study are recorded. For a phenomenological research, scholars can take Dissertation Writing Services for interpreting the meaning of the phenomenon that is being studied and is shared by the participants. The experiences are documented in the research format and analysed to reach a conclusion. Every scholar must study these forms of qualitative research and choose the suitable one.

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